What type of savings account do you need?

- 2 Free monthly transactions
- Free Online Banking
- Free in-branch deposits
- Free e-statements

Save on your own terms, at your own speed
- Premium interest rates*
- 4 free ATM/POS transactions per month
- Free Online Banking
- Free in-branch deposits
- Free e-statements
- $5 per transaction (except first 4 ATM/POS transactions)
- No INTERAC® e-Transfer

This account was created specifically for farmers and provides a way to collect government matching contributions under the AgriInvest program.
Find out more HERE.

The success and growth in our communities are important to us and we support those who go out of their way to improve the lives of our members.
Our community and non-profit groups qualify for a savings account with unlimited free transactions and NO MONTHLY FEE. e-Transfers are charged at $1.50 per e-Transfer.
This is our way of saying: "Keep up the good work!"
Your business is our business

Why Flash technology?
With Interac Flash® you have all the features of a debit card and added security features. Limit your losses - choose TAP.

INTERAC ® e-transfer is easy and convenient
Send money quickly and conveniently from your mobile phone or your computer. Use the Autodeposit functionality to recieve e-transfers without having to sign in.

CuSave® account structure changed
The structure of the CuSave® account changed. Please read the description of the account on this page. A fee of $5 is charged on transactions - other than the 4 free ATM/POS transactions per month. No e-Transfers can be done from this account.

Service fees
We do business in an open and fair manner. For full access on what you can expect to pay on both chequing and savings accounts, click HERE. We can help you find the best account package for your business.