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Save for your child's future with a RESP
A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a tax-sheltered government plan that allows you to contribute up to $50,000 for a child’s post-secondary education – whether it’s your child, a grandchild or a friend's child.

Enjoy the benefits of an RESP

  • Grow your money – Government Grant & Interest earned are tax deferred until withdrawal.
  • Anyone can contribute – Niece, nephew, child of a friend or your own child – you can help make their future educational dreams a reality.
  • Less tax when withdrawn – When the child begins to withdraw funds for their education, they will pay less tax as they will likely be in a lower tax bracket.
  • Benefit from the Canada Education Savings Grant – The federal government will contribute up to a lifetime maximum of $7,200 to your child's plan.

Need a hand?

Whether you're an investing expert or a total beginner, our experienced team will tailor their advice to help you maximize your child's education savings.



How much will I save?

Our RESP Calculator will help you figure out how much you can set aside before the child starts school, and how government grants will help your savings.

Calculate Now

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